Awards coin designs

Award-winning Craftsmanship


The Coin of the Year Award (COTY) is an international awards programme for the coin-producing industry, founded by US publishing group Krause Publications and held annually since 1984.

In various categories, a jury selects the best coins issued each year. Over the years, Münze Österreich AG has regularly won awards for its coins. It is not only in the field of bullion coins that Münze Österreich AG is among the world’s major players. Austria also has a global reputation for the production of collector coins.

The 20 euro silver Milky Way coin, the first coin in The Uncharted Universe series, was named the Most Innovative Coin of 2023. It will be interesting to see how the no less innovative designs of the other coins in the series impress the jury in the years to come.

The Silver Niobium coin, Smart Mobility, won the Best Bi-Metal Coin award, but this is a common occurrence for Münze Österreich AG as our Silver Niobium coins have won nine COTY awards over the years.

Coty 2023 Siegermünzen

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Silber-Niobium Coins

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Collector Coins Münze Österreich

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