Between five and ten centimetres in length, the Hawaiian bobtail squid is a tiny hunter that stalks its prey at night in shallow coastal waters.
This 3 Euro Coin Series Dives into the Depths of the Oceans. To celebrate the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, we are embarking on an undersea adventure that shows just how fascinating and colourful the underwater world can be. With a mintage of 65,000, the 12 innovative 3 euro coloured coins in the series, 4 of which will be issued each year over 3 years, will not only make your eyes light up, the coins actually do that themselves thanks to special lighting effects.
As improbable and magical as the sea creatures featured on the coins may seem, they really do exist. Even though some of them live in the perpetual darkness of the deep seas, where no ray of sunlight penetrates, they all have extraordinary luminous qualities. They flash, sparkle and glow and change colour when necessary.
The same applies to the coins themselves, which glow when exposed to ultraviolet light in a way that is both exciting and piques our sense of scientific curiosity. A dedicated ultraviolet torch will help you to experience the charming creatures of Luminous Marine Life in full.
Quality | Uncirculated |
Face value | 3 Euro |
Diameter | 34 mm |
Alloy | CuNi 25 |
Weight | 16 g |
| |
Mintage: Uncirculated: 65,000 |
The fun does not stop with the coins themselves – illustrations and information are also hidden here and there throughout the series' Collector album. By examining the pages with the torch, with a bit of luck you may discover them.
This collector album not only stores all 12 coins in the Luminous Marine Life series but is also crammed with fascinating information about the 12 sea creatures that feature on them.
Ockto octopus is a cute cuddly toy from Steiff who completes our Luminous Marine Life underwater adventure.